
Dj Younha make an appearance in KBS 2TV "Family Ties" (or "Birth of a Family" as other eng-title..) "Infinite" pending adoptation of a dog named 'dubu'.

2012/ 01/ 28

[TV Report News] Adoption of a dog named "Dubu" are still pending, one of the Member of "Infinite" has not yet determined if he will return dubu to the animal center he is very attached to it, at this situation the dog would return to the animal center for temporary shelter. Tears were seen in this episode.

It was 28th day of January, KBS 2TV declared an anoucement Saturday Part 1 - "Family Ties" or "Birth of a family" To promote the adoptation of Dubu, radio appearance of "Infinite" was shown.

The dogs were temporary, taking care of "Infinite", However the group was very attached to it, and its too difficult to find them an owner.

Infinite has decided to spread the story of Dubu for adoptation through live broadcasting radio show in MBC "Younha's Starry Night" and MBC "Super Junior Kiss the Radio" with Dj Younha, Super junior and the popularity of the group, many enthusiastic sent offers to adopt their dog.

Also younha Twitted it
Younhaholic: KBS 가족의탄생 현재 방영중이에요^ㅇ^ 아주 잠깐이지만 출연합니다.
        - Im currently broadcasting KBS Family Ties a while ago ^ㅇ^ wee it's a short appearance.

Photo: KBS 2TV Capture Saturday part 1 Family Ties

Source: Naver and TvReportnews korea
Translated and revised summarise by: Yunja


Younha, Lost her phone, most of the fans search til dawn ' (through tweeter)

[TV리포트 김미정 인턴기자] 가수 윤하가 휴대폰을 분실했다고 착각해, 팬들과 함께 수색을 벌였던 일화를 공개했다.

윤하는 20일 새벽 3시 께 트위터를 통해 "분명히 휴대폰을 화장대 위에 올려두고 갔는데 집에 오니 없음. 무음 상태"라며 난감해했다.

이어 "분실신고를 해야 하나. 찾을 방법 뭐가 있을까요. 아침 일찍 나가야해서 이만 눈물 머금고 자야. 배터리 소모되기 전에 찾길 기도해 주세요"라며 잠에 들었다.

이때 윤하의 팬을 비롯한 누리꾼들이 발벗고 나서 다양한 방법들을 알려줬다.

누리꾼들은 "모든 물건 행방은 엄마가 압니다. 혼자 살지라도. 덜덜" "침대랑 벽 사이 틈 매트리스 밑. 찾아보세요" "의외의 장소에 있을 수도 있어요" "차에 있을 것이다. 한 표" "없으면 제가 장만해 드릴게요"라는 글로 윤하에게 힘을 보탰다.

윤하는 이후 "꿈 때문에 깼다. 화장실 다녀오면서 누리꾼이 말한 대로 '의외의 장소'인 목욕가운에서 휴대폰을 찾게 됐다."고 고백했다.


[TV Intern Reports] Singer Younha lost her mobile phone, with the fans filing search through tweeter, an anecdote revealed.

In the 20th day at 3:00 am Younha via Tweeter: "Obviously not going home yet, i left my mobile phone on the dresser. Silence" he had been embarassed.

Followed by: "Should i report the loss. Will there be away to find it. I need to stop crying but thousand tears fill in my eyes and i must sleep cause i gotta get up early. Pray that i find it fast before the battery will drain!!!" she said before sleep.

Younha Fans make the most of the filing search via tweeter told her in different ways.

Netizens said: "I know you've been pressure where to look for. living alone in Seoul though. Vibrating.", "Try to look between the gaps of the walls or under the mattress", "It could be in a Unusual place", "It would be in a car or on a table"

Later Younha: "Because of dream statement. i find it while im in the bathroom & i find my cell phone in 'Unusual place' as netizens said, and it was in a bathrobes." as he confenssed.

source: Naver/ presidentity@tvreport.co.kr
translated revised by: Yunja


"오란씨걸" (Oran C) Kim ji Won History colaborate with Younha

MBC ‘하이킥! 짧은 다리의 역습’에 출연 중인 김지원이 과거 가수 윤하와 함께 무대에 선 모습이 시선을 끈다.

10일 포털 사이트 게시판에 ‘오란씨걸 김지원이 윤하 옆에서 피아노 치던 시절’이라는 제목으로 당시 무대를 캡처한 영상이 공개된 것.


MBC 'High Kick! Revenge of the shorted leg': Artist Kim Ji Won was appeared in the past MV of Younha, and in the stage with a eye-catching appearance.

10th of January in board portal site, Singer Younha  beside her is 'Oran C' - Kim ji Won through the days of her piano solo part 'As her debut on the stage.

이는 2008년 SBS ‘인기가요’에 선 같은 소속사 가수 윤하의 ‘Gossip Boy’에서 김지원이 백보컬 겸 피아노 연주를 하는 모습.

김지원은 과거 인터뷰 등을 통해 중학교 3학년 때부터 연기와 노래를 함께 준비해왔다고 밝히기도 했다.

누리꾼들은 “음악에도 재능이 있었군”, “이것저것 잘하는 듯!”, “우와 새로운 발견”, “당시에도 윤하보다 더 돋보인다고 화제가 됐었다” 등의 반응을 보였다.

2010년 음료 광고를 통해 ‘오란씨걸’로 얼굴을 알린 김지원은 지난해 3월 영화 ‘로맨틱 헤븐’에 출연한 바 있다. 현재 MBC ‘하이킥! 짧은 다리의 역습’과 MBN 드라마 ‘왓츠 업’에서 열연 중이다.


In 2008 SBS 'Inkigayo' Lined in the same agency Singer Younha MV "Gossip Boy" Kim ji Won played the solo part in piano.

Kim ji Won in the past Interviews was revealed:, Since 3rd grade through Junior high school that she has been training in acting and singing.

Netizens: ''She's talented in music" , "It seemed she's good at that!", "Wow a new discover", "At that time i was more focus on Younha than her, well she's good" as they react.

In 2010 Beverage adverstising "오란씨걸"- (Oran C) Kim ji won was in the movie: "Romantic Heaven", and has appeared in Current MBC Drama: 'High Kick 3: Revenged of the shorted leg' being in hot rolled.

Source:  Naver/Out East Entertainment News Team star@donga.com
translated revised by:  Yunja


"Agency Dispute", Younha tears in the awards citation " Until you can sing again..."

'소속사 분쟁' 윤하, 눈물의 수상소감 “다시 노래할 수 있을 때.. '

가수 윤하가  '방송연예대상' 시상식에서 눈물을 보였다.

윤하는 29일 경기도 일산 MBC 드림센터에서 진행된 '2011 MBC 방송연예대상' 시상식에서 라디오부문 우수상을 수상했다.

'별이 빛나는 밤에' DJ 윤하는 “전통있는 프로그램을 맡겨주셔서 감사했는데 상까지 주셔서 몸둘바 모르겠다' 며 감사의 마음

을 전했다.

이어 “힘든 해였는데 옆에서 지지해줬던 가족들에게 고맙다. 다시 노래할 수 있을 때까지 최선을 다하겠다' 고 수상 소감을 전

하며 결국 눈물을 보인 것.

한편, 윤하는 지난 4월 소속사 라이온미디어를 상대로 전속계약해지 통보를 하는 소송을 제기했다.

사진 출처|MBC 방송캡처

동아닷컴 연예뉴스팀 기사제보 star@donga.com


"2011 MBC Broadcast Entertainment Awards" Former Singer Younha [Dj of Radio Starry Night] tears fall during the ceremony.

On the 29th day of December at the 2011 MBC Broadcast Entertainment Awards was held in MBC Dream Center in Ilsan, Gyeongi. Younha won the Award of Excellency in radio segment during the ceremony.

Starry night Dj Younha: "Thank you for commiting me in this traditional program that i won this award, i don't know what to say I'm overwhelmed" saying of appreciation.

Followed by: "Thank you for my supportive family gave me strength, it was a tough year for my side.. I'll do my best as possible until I'm able to sing again.. . .." as he preach in the awards citation and the tears shown.

Meanwhile, last April Younha and her Agency with an exclusive contract in Lion Media has filed a lawsuit case in notice of Termination.

Photo: MBC TV Capture

Source: Naver/ Out East Entertainment News star@donga.com
Translated Revised by: Yunja

Younha, Winning for Radio Division Awards for Excellency (MBC Broadcast Entertainment)

2011 MBC Broadcast Entertainment Awards Ceremony on 29th of December at 21:55 (9:55 pm) was held Live at MBC Dream Center in Ilsan.

Former Singer Younha [Dj of Starrry Night Radio Program] attend the red carpet of 2011 MBC Broadcast Entertainment Award Ceremony for winning the Award of Excellency in Radio Division.

The 2011 MBC Broadcasting Entertainment Awards, focus and concentrate in a particular interest this year. The Broadcasting data has already MBC Entertainment Award Ceremony said to work on theme/ targeted this year. Variety shows, comedy, sitcoms and radio are divided into different selected category, but above all the top ratings. "This year's performing arts program entertaiment" the interest of people whether in which certain program will support a top rated.

MBC Broadcast Entertainment for Best couple, here are the candidate  "We Got Married"- Uligyeolhonhaess-eoyo (woo gyeol) "High Kick 3 Revenge of shorted legs" - Haikig3 jjalbeun daliui yeogseub " I am Singer Naneungasuda" (nagasu) "Infinity Challenge" - muhandojeon 'mudo' (martial arts).

Respectively this are the named of the candidate fo best couple:

"We got married": Kim won jun & Park so Yun, Lee Jang Woo & Eun jung, Lee Teuk & Kang So Ra

"High Kick 3 Revenge of the broken legs: Seo Ji suk and Park Ha Sun, Yoon Kye Sang and Baek Jin Hee"

"I am Singer" Kim Tae Hyeon and Park Jeong Yeon was also nominated for best couple.

"Infinity Challenge" namnam Couples Park myeong su & Jeong Jun-ha, Jung Hyung Don & Jeong Jae Hyeong in best couple.

Source: Naver korea
Translated revised by: Yunja