
Younha "the visit of President Obama in Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, I wish i was graduating."

윤하 "오바마 대통령 한국외대 강림, 졸업했는데 부럽다"

[TV리포트 최민지 기자] 윤하가 버락 오바마(Barack Obama) 대통령을 만나고 싶은 소망을 드러냈다.

오바마 대통령은 26~27일 서울시에서 열리는 2012 핵안보정상회의와 관련해 한국을 방문했다. 오바마 대통령은 26일 오전 10시 20분께 한국외대 미네르바 오디토리움에서 '국제사회에서 한국의 역할'이라는 주제로 강연을 진행하게 된다.

이와 관련해 윤하는 지난 25일 자신의 트위터에 "우와! 외대에 오바마 대통령 강림. 나 졸업했는데..."라며 "하긴 재학중이어도 뽑히긴 힘들었겠지만"이라며 아쉬움을 표현했다.

이날 강연에는 700여 명의 학생이 참석한다. 정부에서 한국외대 전체 학생 2만여 명의 명단을 요구, 그 중 700명을 뽑은 것으로 알려졌으며 강연 후 학생들과 오바마 대통령의 질의 응답 시간도 예정돼 있다.

사진=TV리포트 DB

최민지 기자 star@tvreport.co.kr


[TV Report News] VJ Dj Younha revealed a desire, hoping to meet the President.

On the 26th~27th of March, The US President Barack Obama visited in South Korea for "Nuclear Security Summit 2012" held in Seoul.

On the first day of visit March 26 at 10:20 am in Minerva Auditorium of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Mr. President Barack Obama give a Speech and Lecture about Korea's role in Iternational Community.

Younha on her twitter last 25th of March said:

" Wow,  President Obama is in Foreign Studies and will give a speech. I just Graduated... " she said "Yes, Its hard to get inside school even if you're a current student" as she left the post.

In this day of 26th of March more than 700 students attend the lecture.
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Out of 20,000 students only 700 of them were known to be chosen or being allowed inside of the Auditorium, to hear the President Obama's speech and a privilage to ask a question and anwer session with the president.

source: TV Report News Korea/Naver
translated and revised by: Yunja


Younha and John Park authentic Cookie Gift "Not really Dating"? Fans Interest UP.

존박 윤하 쿠키선물 인증 ‘진짜 안 사귀는거야?’ 관심UP

존박 윤하 쿠키선물에 네티즌 관심이 집중됐다.

가수 존박은 3월16일 자신의 트위터에 "결국 어젯밤 쿠키 다 먹었음. 다시 한번 고마워요 윤하씨"란 글을 남겼다. 이에 가수 윤하가 "아니에요. 게스트 오랫동안 해주세요. 감사합니다"란 답변을 전했다.

존박이 윤하가 선물한 쿠키를 다 먹은 것을 인증했다. 이에 네티즌들은 "혹시 두 분 서로 관심 있으신 것 아닌가요", "둘이 잘 어울리는데", "쿠키 만든 윤하 마음씨가 참 곱네요" 등 다양한 반응을 보였다.

한편 지난 3월11일 윤하는 트위터를 통해 존박에게 "쿠키나 빵 좋아하느냐"고 물었다. 이에 존박은 "좋아해요. 왜요? 사주실건가요?"라고 답했고 윤하는 "돌아오는 주에 준비해보지요. 친해지기 프로젝트"라며 쿠키선물 예고해 이목을 끌었다.

존박은 윤하가 진행을 맡은 MBC FM '윤하의 별이 빛나는 밤에' 고정게스트로 출연 중이다. (사진=뉴스엔 DB/존박, 윤하 트위터)

[뉴스엔 김미겸 기자


Younha cookie gift for John Park meets the interest and has been focused.

March 16 Singer John Park on his Twitter: "Last night, after all the cookies i ate them it was good. Younha ssi once again thank you ." as John Park left the post. And Younha said: "No its ok. you're our guest for a long time. Thank you."as she reply and left the post.

It's Certified that John Park had eaten the cookies that younha gave to him as a gift.

NETIZEN said: "They look good together", "Made cookies, Younha's true nature of her yummy", "I want to try some?!" as they showed variety of reaction.

Meanwhile Last 11th day of March Younha message John Park through Twitter: "Do you Like cookies and bread?" she asked "Yes i like, why do you ask? do you made some for me? said John park "I'll preparing some this coming week. this is our bonding project" said Younha. This topic about cookie project gift through twitter conversation attracted lots of attention in the fans.

Younnha is in charge of the process of John Park guesting appearance in "MBC FM Younha Starry Night" radio programmed is fixed.

Photo: Newsen DB / John Park Younha Twitter

Source: Naver/ Newsen korea
Translated and summarized by: Yunja


Younha's Come to my Home Time slot Change!

@Comehome_younha: 속보 3 월 12 일부터 윤내집 본방 시간 변경 : 본방은 밤 9시 / 재방은 새벽 2시 / 삼방은 다음날 아침 7시 더 ​​잘됐쬬? ㅎ

Younha's Come to my home (alternative title: Younha's Come to my place) has change time slot for a while next week.
At March 12, 2012 time change: 9: 00 am / then returning to 2:00 pm / and then the following day will be 7:00 am

It is confirmed in the Official Site of MBC music Younha's Come to my Home!

Source: Twitter @ comehome_younha

translated Analyze by: Yunja

John Park guest appearance in MBC FM Younha Starry Night and open up about Kang Pool

Musician John Park himself who adore Kang Poll (real name Kang Do-Young) a cartoonist makers of Simple Hearted Cartoon, who made her cry, attracted lot of attention to the fans and tuned in FM.

Last February 28 at 23:05 pm in MBC FM Younha Starry Night, John park is guest in the radio program. DJ Younha asked John Park: "Who you wanted to have a drink with"

John Park said " I once receive Kang Pool's Cartoon books as a gift . Since then, I started reading all of his works at home alone crying.. .now hes my Twiter Friend." as he stated. from that day sooner drew lot of attention from the listeners.

As John Park talked about Kang Pool, many Twitterians also talked about them.

Kang tweeted: “I’m John Park’s Twitter friend, and I’m so ashamed that I’ve been only sending him all kinds of silly tweets.”

On that day Dj Younha and John Park is in charge at the radio, their at same age.

Younha said " The moment John Park sign the CD I had a butterflies in my stomach" as younha stated "I haven't felt this excitement for a long time. I'll support your song Falling" cheers for John park "as she promise and showed friendship.

Short Review:  Live in Evanston Illinois John Park is a member of group band Purple Haze and has join American Idol Season 9 last 2010 and make it to Top 20 but he voted off, after that he gained lots of  fans from asia and international. In 2011 he made an Audition in Korea and win, after he became more popular in korean fans.

Meanwhile last Feb 22 John Park release debut mini-album 'Knock' John Park announced the title track "Falling" including "Why Is This?" "This Is Not What I Thought" and "Good Day" the song "Suloggog Jeongog - That Song"  Entered the Daum and Naver real-time Top 10 music charts entry and has been potentialy staying strong.

Source: SportsChosun / en.korea

Summarizes and Analyzed by: Yunja