
Younha Hit no. 1 in Online music charts in Korea

Singer Younha hit no. 1 in Online Top 10 music Charts.

The new released Digital Single "Nothing" - aniya was a chart toper in online music, currently younha has post a photo handling her New single, she pre-released so soon her single before her mini-album launch, it was unveild last 21 of march through Twitter.

Among all the Kpop music in Online, like Infinite and other Kpop big star, Younha new song top the most.

My Own Cover

Meanwhile Younha's mini-album is sure to be released this April, after her pre-released of her new Digital Single "Nothing" - Aniya. Younha's busy hectic scheduled she still the DJ in MBC Younha Starry Night and still on the track aside, of KBS Love FM of Super Junior and other Standard FM.

News by: Yunja


Younha's "UNACCEPTABLE" and Naul "Don spike" participation hotly anticipated by the fans

Younha... Why the single so plain?

윤하의 신곡 '아니야'는

윤하와 가수 나얼의 콜라보레이션 음반으로 음악팬들의 뜨거운 기대를 받고 있다.

'아니야'는 나얼 외에도 프로듀서 돈스파이크가 편곡에 참여해 애절하고 아픈 이별을 잘 표현했다는 평이다.

윤하는 앨범 작업뿐 아니라 <별이 빛나는 밤에> 라디오 DJ로도 바쁜 나날을 보내고 있는 상황.
빠듯한 스케줄 속에서도 본인이 주인공으로 참여한 뮤직비디오 촬영을 이미 마무리 짓는 등 오랜만에 선보이는 곡에 대한 애착을 감추지 않았다는 후문이다.

윤하는 디지털싱글 ‘아니야’가 발매되기 하루 전인 21일 밤, 트위터를 통해 직접 새로운 곡에 대한 소식을 팬들에게 먼저 알리기도 했다.


I made this cover. I adjust a little bit of the Official digital cover Younha's Album handle above this photo.

Younha's new Digital Single "UNACCEPTABLE" was released.

Singer Younha released the Digital single, "UNACCEPTABLE" through various sources of site, ahead of the mini-album in 22 of April.

Younha's new song "Nothing".Younha and singer Naul collaboration album was being hotly anticipated by the music fans.

The song "Nothing" Naul was also one of the producer of the album and participated in the arrangement of the lyrics captured the bittersweet and painful breaking up.

While working on the album & singles Younha also busy doing a radio DJ in "MBC Starry Night" despite of her tight schedule, etc., Younha already finalizing a music video shoot, he did not conceal his love for along time so he participated in featuring songs in the album.

Younha's digital single "UNACCEPTABLE" is released a day night before 21, the fans first inform about the new songs through Twitter & direct news.

Photo courtesy of: Twitter Younhaholic / my photo

Source: Naver / newsdaily.co.kr
Translated by: Yunja


Younha and Naul on set working on for the mini-Album

가수 윤하가 그룹 브라운아이드소울의 나얼과 함께 찍은 셀카를 공개했다.

최근 나얼과 함께 호흡을 맞춘 신곡 '아니야'의 선 공개를 예고한 윤하는 그와 함께 찍은 셀카를 공개해 눈길을 모았다.

공개된 사진은 '아니야' 녹음 도중 촬영한 것으로 윤하는 얼굴에 미소를 띤 채 작업에 임하고 있다. 반면 나얼은 특유의 무표정으로 사진마다 같은 표정과 포즈를 취하고 있어 보는 이들의 웃음을 자아냈다.

나얼은 "작사, 작곡뿐 아니라 코러스까지 직접 참여한 곡이라 개인적으로도 애착이 많이 간다. 이별의 아픔을 애절하게 담아내야 하는 곡인데 더 깊어진 윤하의 음색이 아주 잘 맞아떨어졌다고 생각한다"라고 곡에 대한 만족감을 드러냈다.


Group Brown Eyed Soul has taken a photo of Younha together with Naul for teaming up for up coming mini-album unveiled.

Naul focused making for new mini-album & singles"Unacceptable" along side of Younha taken a photo together attracted lot of attention to the public.

Public photos taken during the recording, Younha has taken a photo with a smile on her face while working on the lyrics. Naul, on the other hand, drew such as facial expressions and poses.

Naul " The lyrics of the song and music, as well as my personal attachment to the lyrics goes a lot, to be able to capture the bittersweet pain of breaking up. Also Younha's deeper tone of voice blends very well to the  song, it revealed the satisfaction."

Photo courtesy exclusively by: Stylem.m.co.kr

Source: Naver korea / stylem.m.co.kr

Translated by: Yunja

Younha's new song "Nothing" MV Teaser released

윤하 신곡 ‘아니야’ 티저 공개, 나얼과 콜라보 ‘기대’

[맥스무비=박유영 기자] 가수 윤하가 신곡의 티저 영상을 공개했다.

윤하는 20일 유튜브 공식 채널과 각종 온라인 음원사이트를 통해 신곡 ‘아니야’ 티저 영상을 공개했다. 윤하의 ‘아니야’는 나얼과 공동작업 사실이 알려지면서 큰 화제가 됐던 바 있다.

공개된 티저 영상 속 윤하는 웨이브 머리를 길게 늘어뜨리고 하얀 원피스를 입어 차분한 여인의
모습을 보여주고 있다. 특히 슬픔이 극에 다른 듯한 몸짓과 언뜻 스치는 공허한 표정으로 그
애절함을 더하고 있다.

또한, 짧게 공개된 노래 속에 흘러나오는 윤하의 목소리에 스치듯 흐르는 나얼의 코러스가 절묘
한 화음으로 맞물려, 짧지만 강한 매력으로 전해진다.

한편, 티저 공개로 기대감을 높이고 있는 윤하의 ‘아니야’는 오는 22일 각종 음원사이트를 통해 선공개 될 예정이다.

사진 제공: 위얼라이브


[News maxmovie] Singer Younha unveiled a new MV (Music Video) teaser 

On the Youtube official channel and various Online Music sites has unvieled new MV (Music Video) teaser of the new song of Younha's "Nothing"(아니야). Younha colaborate with Naul in her up-coming new digital single "Nothing" became known and big topic to the public.

In the published teaser video, shows Younha as a calm woman wear a white dress and have wave semi-curly hair and semi-pony tail as her appearance. At first glance particularly extreme sadness and other gestures, having an empty expression.

In addition, the teaser MV was released shortly to the public, the transition of Younha's voice vaguely flowing through Naul chorus, exquisite well combined.

Meanwhile, the teaser video's "Nothing"(아니야) of Younha was scheduled, and expected to be release in public in 22 through various sources of site.

photo courtesy of: wealive
video: wealive/youtube
here's the new MV teaser.

source: newsmaxmovie / naver korea

translated by: yunja


Naul Collaborate for Younha's New digital single “Nothing”

News March 13, 2013

Spring is definitely becoming the season for talented Artist to make their Comeback and it has been revealed that Singer Younha will be joining them this April.

Singer Younha will be collaborate with some talented Artist including Naul, who wrote and composed for Younha's upcoming mini album "UNACCEPTABLE" to be release this 22nd of April.

"Unacceptable" express the painful after break up, perhaps inspired by Naul's personal experience making the song more meaningful.

Younha's Agency stated " She is currently focusing on putting finishing touches for her New mini-album, to make a good High Quality Album. She is working hard to show new image for her upcoming comeback so please look forward to it. "

Meanwhile Younha is still DJ of radio program MBC "Younha Starry Night" and scheduled to comeback this April.

Source: Younha Team Spanish Blog Site / http://younhateam.tumblr.com
Re-arranged by: Yunja